
28 Jan, 2022
Most people are familiar with the custom of wearing black to a funeral service. However, if you have not been to a funeral before or have not attended one in many years and you will be soon, it is understandable that you might be wondering about other funeral etiquette. Our blog post provides 12 important considerations for anyone attending a funeral.
20 Dec, 2021
Funeral services are personal experiences that should reflect the preferences of the person who has passed. Many people prefer a traditional funeral ceremony held at their place of worship. However, it is increasingly common when thinking about how to prepare for funeral services to consider hosting a non-traditional funeral. Our blog post has 10 creative ideas to consider.
29 Nov, 2021
Cremation or traditional casketing and burial? The decision on how to address the final disposition of a loved one’s physical remains after they pass is an important one. There are several factors to consider, from spiritual/religious to financial.
28 Oct, 2021
Often, it is difficult for surviving family members to come to grips with the fact that their loved one is gone forever. However, there are steps you can take in advance of your passing to lift the spirits of friends and family even after you are gone. Arranging to have notes or flowers delivered are just a few examples.
27 Sep, 2021
By many estimates, the cost of services related to a funeral and burial ranges from $7,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on what services are needed and whether cemetery costs are included. Some individuals set aside money to pay those costs before they die. When that is the case, making payments in installments can benefit both individuals and their surviving family members. Our blog post provides details.
27 Aug, 2021
While it is hard to say goodbye to a loved one, a celebration of life is a great way to honor their memory, focus on things that made them happy and start the healing process. You can do that as part of a funeral service or as a separate event. A good place to start your planning is to come up with a theme.
23 Jul, 2021
It is important to know how much an average funeral costs so you can budget for the type of mortuary services you will need for your deceased loved one. Having that information and making certain decisions in advance can take some of the stress out of a very challenging time.
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