Phone: (303) 440-3960 2969 Baseline Road, Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: (303) 833-3765 502 Walnut Street, Frederick, CO 80530
There is a significant amount of work that a funeral home does to prepare a deceased loved one for viewing at a funeral service, to cremate the body if that option is chosen, and to coordinate the funeral and other related gatherings. By many estimates, the cost of these services today can range from $7,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on what services are needed and whether cemetery costs are included.
Some individuals educate themselves on itemized funeral costs and set aside money to pay them before they die. However, some do not. For many families that will be covering their loved one’s funeral costs, the amount can exceed the savings they have on hand. That fact can leave them wondering how to pay for funeral services.
People will sometimes ask, “Can you pay for funeral services in advance?” The answer to that question is, “Yes.”
Setting aside money in advance of your passing is helpful in multiple ways. First, it removes the financial burden from surviving family members. This allows them to focus on supporting one another through the grieving process rather than having to deal with financial details.
Paying for funeral services in advance also provides peace of mind—both for the individual and their family. Especially in situations involving terminal illness or advanced age, where a person’s passing is expected in the nearer term, knowing that the funeral costs are covered allows everyone to relax and focus on enjoying the remaining time they have together.
There are several ways to pay for funeral services, such as with proceeds from an insurance policy. However, if you want insurance policy funds to go to family members, you can pay funeral costs in advance in installments.
With this approach, you work with the funeral home to determine the itemized funeral costs for the services you will want. You use this information to come up with a total cost and then that total is broken down into affordable monthly payments.
In addition to removing the financial burden from family members and the peace of mind noted above, another benefit of paying for funeral services in installments is that you get a price guarantee. In other words, you pay for services at today’s rates, and the services ultimately are provided at that rate even if costs increase in the months or years before your passing.
It is important that you are comfortable with the installment approach to funeral services before you agree to it. Below are some of the questions we are asked most frequently, with answers that can help you with your decision.
Whether you decide to pay for a funeral in installments or choose a different approach, the first step toward greater peace of mind for you and your family is to do some research. That might start with reviewing the helpful information on the Greenwood & Myers Mortuary website. There are resources covering a wide variety of topics, from Funeral Planning to Grief & Healing. Even if you choose to use the services of another mortuary, the research you have done will be beneficial.
What many people find is that simply learning about funeral costs and ways to pay for them is a relief. Then, with that information in hand, they can make deliberate, unhurried decisions that best honor the wishes of the individual while not straining the finances of surviving family members.